In the mountains of western South Carolina, on a private property in the picturesque, lake-dotted town of Sunset, you’ll find a most unusual lawn ornament. It rises 60-feet toward the sky, which, for the measurement-impaired, is about five stories, according to auction firm Tranzon Fox.

Senior Citizen to Auction Waterfall, Lake and Rustic Cabin

Plans to Hit Road in RV and Vouches for Waterfall’s Sleep-Inducing Ability

SUNSET, S.C. /Mortgage and Finance News/ — In the mountains of western South Carolina, on a private property in the picturesque, lake-dotted town of Sunset, you’ll find a most unusual lawn ornament. It rises 60-feet toward the sky, which, for the measurement-impaired, is about five stories, according to auction firm Tranzon Fox. This towering ornament is a natural waterfall, resplendent as the breathtaking focal point of owner Roger Abercrombie’s 5.8-acre property that might be more rightly termed a mountain oasis.

Of course, during the pandemic, many people set about improving their outdoor spaces. However, no matter the capaciousness of one’s budget, nor the voraciousness of one’s ambition, Mr. Abercrombie’s waterfall almost certainly would prevail in any contest awarding a crown for best backyard decor. Yet, he does not overlook its more practical side.

While many of us in this addled age purchase white-noise machines, play recordings of babbling brooks, and devour articles with sleep-hygiene tips in a bid to obtain a more peaceful slumber, Abercrombie just takes a seat on the porch of his rustic cabin overlooking the waterfall and lake. He reports that, having done so, he just about always drifts off within five minutes, serenaded to sleep by the sounds of water cascading over the rocks.

Of course, in case you missed the part about the lake, it should be noted that, yes, he also has not just a waterfall, but also a lake to enjoy. (It sure beats the rest of us ordering kiddie pools off of Amazon.) And it’s trout-stocked, no less — so perhaps the sounds of the fish occasionally splashing around also contribute to Abercrombie’s ability to drift so swiftly off to dreamland.

Then again, many details of this property are storybook-perfect, as if constructed for a dreamland scenario, not least of which is the aforementioned cabin, with its flagstone fireplace, native wood floors and ceilings, and open kitchen and large family room with that glorious, glorious view of the lake and waterfall.

Oh, and the neighbors…or rather the lack thereof might also help soothe some folks to sleep.

As anyone who’s had neighbors they didn’t enjoy might appreciate, Mr. Abercrombie’s paradise is bordered on three sides by the Keowee-Toxaway State Park. It’s also got a remote-controlled gate and fencing to deter curiosity-seekers.

However, if your curiosity has been piqued, you might be thrilled to learn that Abercrombie, having known this property since first being introduced to it when he was a toddler, has decided it’s time for someone else to enjoy it. He and his wife have retained Tranzon Fox to sell it via online auction, with bidding open May 25-27, 2021. After it’s sold, they plan to satisfy a wanderlust and travel the country in an RV, possibly settling down, ultimately, in a place more remote than Sunset.

As it were, Sunset is halfway between Atlanta and Charlotte, and 30 minutes north of Greenville, S.C., so this homestead easily allows use as a weekend getaway or family compound. And for those who need more room than the Abercrombies, there are a couple of suitable building sites, ideal for the construction of one’s dream home. In fact, some have speculated it could even be a wonderful place to establish an inn, spa, restaurant, or other hospitality-oriented venture.

Ed Durnil, president of Tranzon Asset Advisors, who’s partnering with Tranzon Fox on this sale, says, “In all my years, this is one of the most unique properties that’s crossed my desk. And in a real estate market so lively that assessing the current value of even ordinary homes can be difficult, an auction is the perfect avenue to allow the buyers to help determine what this one-of-a-kind familial homestead is worth.”

Ultimately, though, Mr. Abercrombie hopes that it will become a cherished part of the new owner’s life and a wonderful source of family enjoyment – and that the new owners will find sleeping there comes just as easily to them as it does to him.

For more information, photos, open house dates, and to register to bid, visit

Tranzon Fox and Tranzon Asset Advisors are member companies of Tranzon, LLC. All Tranzon companies are independently owned and operated.


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S2P STORY ID: 71725