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Tag: Geosyn Mining LLC

News: Geosyn Mining leases second Bitcoin Mine Facility – 35,000 sq. foot facility new home to second Geosyn Mine

Mortgage and Finance News: (FORT WORTH, Texas) Geosyn Mining today announced the opening of a second mining space here in North Texas. The 26,000 Sq Foot facility, located near Springtown, TX, will house up to 12,000 miners by the end of Q3 and will be capable of producing roughly to 100 Bitcoin/month. This facility is slated for further expansion to 100MW by summer 2023.

News: Geosyn Mining Launches First Crypto Mine Operation in Fort Worth, Texas and Delivers Bitcoin Payouts to Investors

Mortgage and Finance News: (FORT WORTH, Texas) Geosyn Mining, LLC announced that its new Fort Worth mining operation is making investors excited. On February 22, 2022, its clients received their first Bitcoin payouts. This was also a milestone for the company as it's now on the road to becoming a premier, clean-energy based Bitcoin miner.