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News: MEDIA ADVISORY: Original ‘Shark Tank’ shark comes to MBA Annual

Mortgage and Finance News: (PHILADELPHIA, Pa.) Kevin Harrington of "Shark Tank" fame will host a meet-and-greet with attending mortgage professionals and trade press before taking the stage during the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Annual Convention & Expo to introduce Passport®, FormFree's portable financial ID for consumers launching October 20, and the FormFree Exchange (FFX®), the online marketplace where lenders compete for the business of Passport users.

EXPERTS AVAILABLE: ReverseVision Experts Available to Discuss HUD Changes to HECM Reverse Mortgage Program

Mortgage and Finance News: (SAN DIEGO, Calif.) The following ReverseVision experts, whose expertise on the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) ranges from HUD guideline interpretation to market analysis to education, are available for interviews regarding HUD's planned changes to the HECM program.