Tag: Rhode Island Business
News: Silk Title Co. Focuses on Digital Mortgage Closing Experience, Triples Client Base, Achieves Single-Month Record in 2019
Mortgage and Finance News: (PROVIDENCE, R.I.) Silk Title Co., the leading provider of digitally-driven mortgage closing services, announced it achieved record growth in 2019, enabling the firm to deliver on its "service at scale" promise to its institutional bank and independent mortgage lender clients nationwide.
News: Westerly Becomes First Municipality in Rhode Island to Adopt E-recording
Mortgage and Finance News: (PROVO, Utah) Simplifile, a leading provider of real estate document collaboration and recording technologies for lenders, settlement agents, and counties, today announced that the Town of Westerly has joined Simplifile's e-recording network following the July 1 passage of a law authorizing e-recording statewide in Rhode Island.