Tag: third party originators
News: Click n’ Close Welcomes Polly Cracchiolo as Wholesale Loan Division Expands
Mortgage and Finance News: (ADDISON, Texas) Click n' Close, a multi-state mortgage lender serving consumers and mortgage originators through its wholesale and correspondent channels, today announced Polly Cracchiolo has joined the organization's third-party originator (TPO) sales team as an account executive. In this new role, Cracchiolo will be under Ken Weislak's leadership, the National TPO Business Development Manager at Click n' Close.
News: Mid America Mortgage Now Offers eNotes to Non-Delegated Correspondents through its Wholesale Channel
Mortgage and Finance News: (ADDISON, Texas) Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) announced today it is offering eNotes capabilities via its wholesale channel to enable non-delegated correspondents to operate more efficiently and competitively as they make the transition from mortgage broker to banker. Through this program, third-party originators (TPOs) can deliver the convenience digital closings provide to their customers and enhance relationships with their existing real estate and title partners amidst an otherwise challenging operating environment.