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Tag: Warrington Shaw

News: Warrington Shaw – Singapore Factories Stop Hiring Amid Falling Exports

Mortgage and Finance News: (TAIPEI, Taiwan) Warrington Shaw says Singapore's exports hurt by falling demand from China as trade war escalates. A recent dramatic decline in Singapore's exports has underlined the seriousness of economic problems in Asia. Singapore is traditionally one of the world's most trade-dependent economies and economists at Warrington Shaw say this makes it a good gauge for the health of other economies in the region.

News: Warrington Shaw to Attend FundForum Asia

Mortgage and Finance News: (TAIPEI, Taiwan) Taipei, Taiwan based Warrington Shaw is pleased to announce that it plans to attend this year's 2019 Asia FundForum which will take place in Hong Kong. The three-day event will run from the 14th to the 16th of October and forms part of one the world's leading investment management events, the FundForum Series.