Tom Del Beccaro, former Chairman of the California Republican Party and U.S. Senate candidate, today announced Economist Larry Kudlow’s endorsement of him for U.S. Senate.

Tom Del Beccaro

“I am honored to have received this endorsement,” said Del Beccaro. “Larry Kudlow has been among the foremost voices in America for the restoration of pro-growth policies.”

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. /Mortgage and Finance News/ — Tom Del Beccaro, former Chairman of the California Republican Party and U.S. Senate candidate, today announced Economist Larry Kudlow’s endorsement of him for U.S. Senate.

“I am honored to have received this endorsement,” said Del Beccaro. “Larry Kudlow has been among the foremost voices in America for the restoration of pro-growth policies. In the time I have spent with him, I have seen how he is acutely concerned about how government policies have reduced economic growth and in the process hurt the middle class and the poor in America.”

“Tom Del Beccaro, with the help of my dear friend Stephen Moore, will propose a flat tax for the nation. In my judgment, that is the exact prescription our ailing economy needs. Tom Del Beccaro has my full support,” said Kudlow.

About Tom Del Beccaro’s Flat Tax:

Tom Del Beccaro, the only candidate in the race to have taken the No New Tax Pledge, and the only Senate candidate in America to offer a flat tax plan, has proposed the following flat tax system:

1. The elimination of our current corporate tax system and to replace it with a 15.5% net business income tax with immediate expensing for business purchases and deductibility of wages and salaries.

2. The replacement of the current personal income tax with a flat rate 15.5% income tax on wages and salaries, capital gains, dividends, interest income and bequests. For a family of four, the first $48,000 of income is tax-free. Health care benefits should remain untaxed.

3. The elimination of all deductions except the standard deduction should be doubled.

4. The payroll tax should be retained but its cap eliminated.

5. The elimination of the estate tax, ObamaCare taxes, and all tariffs. The net business income tax would be applied to imports at the border.

6. Any change to this system, should require a 3/5ths vote of both houses of Congress

That system would replace the 77,000 annotated page tax code we have today.

About Tom Del Beccaro:

Tom Del Beccaro is a business and real estate lawyer, and the former Chairman of the California Republican Party. Tom is a contributor to and writes frequently about tax policy. Tom is Publisher of, author of the new book “The Divided Era,” which explains why America is so divided today and offers ideas on how to reduce political division, and “The New Conservative Paradigm.” Tom has spent over 15 years in politics, where he also held positions such as Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party and three terms as Chairman of the Contra Costa County Republican Party.

Tom is a frequent talk radio and television commentator across the country. His Op-Eds have appeared in places like The Washington Times, Investors Business Daily, The Weekly Standard, Politico, The Daily Caller, Human Events, The Sacramento Bee, The Modesto Bee, The Press Enterprise, The Orange County Register and The San Francisco Chronicle.

In the last 14 years, Tom has made over 1,100 speeches/panel appearances throughout California for community groups and at places like the San Francisco Commonwealth Club, Western C-PAC and the University of California at Berkeley.

More information:

Twitter: @tomdelbeccaro

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