The award-winning economic development firm, RMA ( is proud to announce they have been hired by the City of Wilton Manors for the WiltonNext project, a real estate / market analysis and branding strategy for the commercial corridors in the city.

The City of Wilton Manors

WiltonNext Project to Focus on City’s Commercial Corridors

POMPANO BEACH, Fla. /Mortgage and Finance News/ — The award-winning economic development firm, RMA ( is proud to announce they have been hired by the City of Wilton Manors for the WiltonNext project, a real estate / market analysis and branding strategy for the commercial corridors in the city. The purpose of the study is to analyze real estate and market conditions, support market positioning, develop marketing and branding strategy, and engage community stakeholders to enhance economic development along its major commercial corridors.

“RMA is honored to be working with this vibrant and nationally acclaimed city,” said Sharon McCormick, Director of Business Attraction and Marketing. “The municipal leaders of Wilton Manors understand the tremendous potential of their community, and RMA is looking forward to crafting the best strategies for maximizing opportunities while maintaining the character of this special ‘island city’.”

RMA’s study will focus on Wilton Manor’s five main commercial corridors including Oakland Park Boulevard, Andrews Avenue, Wilton Drive, 26th Street, and Dixie Highway. Key items RMA will be analyzing include community retail needs, optimal retail mix, consumer spending, industry sectors, market positioning and development opportunities. In addition, the firm will create a marketing strategy, brand positioning and messaging for the major corridors and develop a strong, reliable identity for each commercial district, including all supporting materials. Once completed, RMA will develop an action plan with a tentative implementation timeline.

“We are excited to be partnering with the RMA team as we build upon Wilton Manors’ vast achievements and usher in the next wave of economic progress in our city,” said Leigh Ann Henderson, City Manager.

The City and RMA recently held the official public kick-off meeting, which was attended by over 80 residents, business and property owners. After the presentation, there was an engaging discussion about the future opportunities for the Wilton Manor’s commercial corridors.

About RMA:

Founded in 2009 by Kim Briesemeister and Chris Brown, RMA is comprised of a phenomenal team of leading experts in economic development, real estate for governments, marketing, urban design, and financial analysis. RMA, headquartered in Pompano Beach, Florida is a highly experienced, full-service economic redevelopment consulting and management firm, specializing in revitalizing core areas and corridors for cities, counties, and special districts nationwide. The co-founders are also the authors of one of the definitive books about city redevelopment, Reinventing Your City: 8 Steps to Turn Your City Around.

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S2P STORY ID: 78842