Lately, some businesses in the state of New York have been hiring workers as independent contractors, not as employees in order to avoid providing benefits for these workers, including workers compensation benefits. Robert Golan, PC, a worker’s compensation lawyer, represented a massage therapist who worked for a local hospital doing therapeutic massages for patients.

Robert Golan, PC

Robert Golan, PC Wins Appeal for Workers Compensation Coverage for an Independent Massage Therapist Contractor Working at a Hospital

PLAINVIEW, N.Y. /Mortgage and Finance News/ — Lately, some businesses in the state of New York have been hiring workers as independent contractors, not as employees in order to avoid providing benefits for these workers, including workers compensation benefits. Robert Golan, PC, a worker’s compensation lawyer serving the areas of Long Island, Nassau County, Queens and Suffolk County, represented a massage therapist who worked for a local hospital doing therapeutic massages for patients.

This hospital wanted to pay her as an independent contractor so they made her sign an Agreement stating that she is an independent contractor.

Our argument to the Judge was that despite the Agreement, she is an employee under the law because the hospital established her hours, her pay, as well as her schedule, and she used the hospital’s equipment, supplies and facilities to perform her job duties. In fact, the injury occurred as a result of tripping over a wire in one of the hospital’s massage rooms causing her to fall and severely injure her shoulder.

In the initial hearing. the Judge ruled that she is an independent contractor but the firm appealed this decision and got it reversed by the Appeal Court. The massage therapist is now receiving Workers Compensation benefits to cover her medical treatment and necessary medical supplies for her recovery, as well as receiving weekly monetary benefits as she recovers from her injury.

“This ruling is important because it helps define the differences between an employee and an independent contractor in the eyes of an employer,” said Robert Golan, PC. “Businesses and organizations who control aspects of the employment situation such as compensation, hours and working conditions should not be allowed to deny workers-who are really employees in the eyes of the law-the benefits they’re entitled to.”

About Robert Golan, PC of Golan & Masiakos, LLP:
For over 15 years, Robert Golan, PC has represented injured workers in their workers compensation cases.

We serve the following areas of New York:

* Nassau, NY
* Long Island, NY
* Suffolk, NY
* Queens, NY

If you had a work-related accident and want to see if you have a case, contact Long Island workers compensation attorney, Robert Golan, PC. Mr. Golan gives his clients personal and professional service.

Robert Golan, PC serves as a Long Island social security disability attorney and workers compensation attorney, serving Long Island, Nassau, Queens and Suffolk, New York.

We believe your accident and injuries are important. Robert Golan, PC is dedicated to providing you with excellent service. Call us at 516-586-3910 to discuss your case or contact us online for your free case evaluation.

Robert Golan, PC
Golan & Masiakos, LLP
(516) 586-3910

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