CMTLabs, Inc. (Currency Method Tokenizing Labs) released information today revealing a digital currency was successfully in use “under the radar screen” within the computer industry for over 20 years.

CMTLabs, Inc.

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. /Mortgage and Finance News/ — CMTLabs, Inc. (Currency Method Tokenizing Labs) released information today revealing a digital currency was successfully in use “under the radar screen” within the computer industry for over 20 years.

CMTLabs disclosed, in 1999 CMTL (Computer Memory Test Labs, Inc.) introduced a digital currency service token which was in continuous use until the end of 2019, when CMTL exited the memory module compatibility testing business. Established 1996 and enabled by Intel Corporation, CMTL was the computer industry’s leading independent memory module compatibly test lab for over 23 years. The digital currency platform was created to provide predictable monthly revenue and as an alternative to banks and outside investors to fund business growth.

70,000+ CMTL service tokens were utilized to perform 27,000+ tests for 120+ manufacturers. 5000+ part numbers were tested on 800+ computer platforms from 50+ manufacturers. Every service token issued was spent representing 100% utilization. Service tokens could not be lost, stolen, or double spent. Manufacturer online digital wallets were never hacked or compromised in any manner. Large accounts purchased service tokens via annual agreements based on the required number of tests forecasted.

A use, lose, buy same or more requirement for annual token balance rollover ensured currency usage and flow. Accounts requiring a small number or even a single test could submit a standard purchase order without a line item for service tokens. CMTL’s digital currency platform would modify purchase orders to include required number of service tokens to complete testing. The modification process was performed transparent to customers. Over $1 billion of CMTL tested part numbers is estimated to have been sold worldwide.

View service token usage data here:

About CMTLabs, Inc.:

CMTLabs, Inc. was formed in early 2020 to utilize the extensive first-hand digital service token platform knowledge and experience. In June of 2020, Intel server platform support links to CMTL tested memory lists were removed completing internet shut down of the service token platform. CMTLabs is now seeking to team up with an experienced digital currency or financial business organization.

Over 20 years of knowledge and experience obtained from a successful long-term digital currency platform is unprecedented. The invaluable amount of insight and information cannot be obtained from a creative white paper, minimal proof of concept or convincing computer simulation model. Regardless if the service business is hair salon or industrial consulting firm, both can benefit by adding a digital currency service token platform.

All or just a portion of revenue can be generated with service tokens. CMTL’s digital currency platform succeeded because it provided identifiable, tangible and mutually beneficial value propositions for the business and customers. A need was identified which required creating a digital currency. A digital currency was not created which required identifying a need.

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S2P STORY ID: 62954