MCT announced the upcoming launch of their Business Intelligence Platform, a powerful web-based analytics platform designed to empower lenders to understand the market, optimize their loan sales, and improve performance relative to their peers. The platform will be officially released and dem

MCT Business Intelligence

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /Mortgage and Finance News/ — MCT announced the upcoming launch of their Business Intelligence Platform, a powerful web-based analytics platform designed to empower lenders to understand the market, optimize their loan sales, and improve performance relative to their peers. The platform will be officially released and demonstrated during an MCT client webinar on October 15, 2020 at 11 a.m. PT/PDT.

“We developed MCT Business Intelligence to help lenders contextualize their business within the industry and dive deep into the data,” stated Bill Petersohn, Managing Director of Business Intelligence. “When our clients have access to actionable secondary market data, they will achieve greater internal competence and pickup in the secondary market. With 1 in 5 of all loans in the United States going through the MCT pipeline, clients obtain the visibility they need to interpret their performance and reach for greater profits. This Business Intelligence Platform is the most comprehensive secondary market analytics tool on the market.”

MCT Business Intelligence aggregates mortgage pipeline and loan sale data from MCTlive!, the comprehensive capital markets software platform used by MCT staff and clients, to provide strategic insights to MCT clients in the form of customizable reports and illustrative charts.

In 2015, after receiving constant requests for investor color from clients, MCT created the first client-exclusive report set – the iMarket Monthly Review. Soon after, clients enjoyed the addition of Quarterly Peer Benchmark Reports that showcased sold data of all MCT clients’ performance. These two static reports allowed lenders to compare aspects of their secondary market data to their peers and to the MCT average on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Users of the dynamic Business Intelligence Platform are now able to dive deep into, not only sold, but locked and investor data with highly customizable views. The software allows users to measure the impact of their historical production and iterate further adjustments to fine-tune their offerings. With the diverse reporting variables and filters, lenders are able to drill down on FICO scores, locations, programs, volume, and more to empower them in their decision-making.

“During the pandemic-induced market volatility in early 2020, MCT was able to guide clients through periods of intense basis risk and rapid agency/aggregator eligibility changes with a constant stream of data and recommendations,” shares Curtis Richins, President of MCT.

“Now we are putting MCT Business Intelligence in the hands of our lenders to help them improve their performance both during and outside periods of market volatility.”

Key features of the platform include reports of market trends, pricing comparisons, Best Effort to Mandatory spreads, tools to locate new business opportunities and more! Visit or call (619) 543-5111 to learn about the many functionalities of the platform.

About MCT:

Founded in 2001, Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. (MCT) has grown from a boutique mortgage pipeline hedging firm into the industry’s leading provider of fully integrated capital markets services and technology. MCT offers an array of best-in-class services and software covering mortgage pipeline hedging, best execution loan sales, outsourced lock desk solutions, MSR portfolio valuations, business intelligence analytics, mark to market services, and an award-winning comprehensive capital markets software platform called MCTlive! MCT supports independent mortgage bankers, depositories, credit unions, warehouse lenders, and correspondent investors of all sizes.

Headquartered in San Diego, California, MCT also has offices in Philadelphia, Santa Rosa, Los Angeles and Dallas. MCT is well known for its team of capital markets experts and senior traders who continue to provide the boutique-style hands-on engagement clients love. For more information,

visit or call (619) 543-5111.

Media Contact:
Ian Miller
Chief Marketing Officer
Mortgage Capital Trading

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